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Screen NameAndyRomagnano   
NameAndy Romagnano
LocationPensacola, ,
BirthdayMay 07, 1985
First LoginJuly 05, 2019 09:38pm
Last LoginMarch 01, 2022 10:23am
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Messages Posted 39
D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)January 18, 2022 04:47pm
Is this the same person as?


The Threatt who ran for Congress in 1880 served in the Alabama House of Representatives from Marengo County from 1872-1874

His great grandson Oscar Adams was an African-American who held a judicial seat in Alabama, trying to clarify now

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)December 07, 2021 11:39am
Again unintentional, please delete this one as I was doing it in category. I can assure you this are unintentional errors, mainly and I know why, operationally, it is a matter of my opening the constitutional amendments, and you see the containers, but because the containers have the headers that look like what would normally be on a result, I forget to do the category and so I really do not wish to ask over this to be able to say, when this occurs, that my account somehow be able to move it to the correct place as that may take moving be up to a different level to be able to do things I don't need to be able to do, but that would fix this and my apologies, or maybe just the ability to redact these out, please delete this one as I have created the container and am doing it in that

Again really is unintentional, and I think is because those containers, same headers as the votes, and is essentially a mind trick my mind tends to go for just as a matter of my own personal working style.


D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)December 05, 2021 03:05pm
This is why Paula Hawkins ran for Senate in 1980, the appointed Public Service Commission removed her office and she wasn't going to be appointed under a Democratic Governor, so she ran for the Senate seat in 1980 and won.

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)December 04, 2021 10:16am
Someone with the ability to do so, I have realized the problem on one I did this morning, which I was unaware of when I created it, namely that for the constitutional amendments in Florida, and I had been wondering as I had gone through the results on here, each of them had been in a special container of their own.

And so I realized that, after doing it, so I am asking can anyone who has that ability in their account, as it seems as if I do not


Please do me a gratis and move this, if you have the moderator powers to do so, to this container.


At least I have now figured this out......so i know for the constitutional amendments in Florida at least, really anything else, have gotten a better grasp of containers, and it was always my intent for it to be like the other amendments.

I apologize/

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)December 04, 2021 09:59am
I literally had to go up to do something, whoever finished filling in those counties for me, which I had intended to do, I am appreciative thereof

I wanted to map this because I looked at those results and I noticed that there was a clear urban and rural split but also when you look at it geographically, there is a strong correlation to where the no vote is, and where Cruz was stronger at Rubio's expense in the 2016 primary but also there is a correlation in terms of the counties where Putnam was stronger rather than DeSantis in the 2018 GOP primary.

Interestingly enough, a large number of the rural counties carried by Bill Clinton in 1996 and Jimmy Carter in 1980 are in the No vote counties.

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)November 30, 2021 03:38pm
But truthfully, one of the reasons they keep Truman off the ballot was believe it or not.....the fear Dewey could win Alabama and this is also why Harry Byrd kept Truman in Virginia, they held a convention, opposition was expressed to Truman, but then Byrd's own operatives made sure Truman remained nominee in Virginia as he did not want Dewey as President.

Prior to FDR the GOP nominee usually could count on up to a third in Alabama, it was more really other than the Woodrow Wilson years and they feared a Dewey win in the low to mid 30s, Dewey actually might have had more votes percentagewise than he got here, as the outright Democratic split would have reactivated the GOP

You would generally look at Florida, Louisiana, and Tennessee but in Alabama, it was two evenly divided camps and was going to be a fight for the state party.

Thurmond's votes would have primarily come in southern Alabama, Truman's in northern Alabama, Truman probably holds Mobile County, but where Dewey would get a lot of votes would be in the Hoover counties of 1928 and then those counties that long standing had strong GOP performances in the 1920s or generally went for Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, etc

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)November 30, 2021 03:34pm
I did not realize I was doing that.......how exactly do I fix it, I literally was just trying to get the map of Alabama to do the counties in.

I actually did intend on doing 1948 but I want that answered before any more issues comes up, clearly, I see there is an issue here and wish not a repeat of the unintended error.

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)November 27, 2021 12:36pm
Honest question, I clicked "silly" when I did this precisely because I was trying to indicate this was something that had not really happened but rather something speculative, but because you have the map software built in apparently, this is actually one I did by hand weeks ago.....ths was data entry, there is a much longer backstory but basically in 1964, Wallace tried being Goldwater's running mate, Goldwater told him no, but that was a fight for the state Democratic Party, and the thing about Wallace was he had one image nationally but to people actually dealing with him in Alabama it was a matter of practical actual politics.

Wallace essentially ruled with the heaviest political hand Montgomery had seen since Bibb Graves and Graves was a top down Governor, but he actually tried to build some coalitions, he wanted to be first but still.......you think of how Huey Long barks orders........and that is Wallace's first term.

Having spent my childhood in Alabama and once planned for a career there I know a bit of this better, but basically Wallace ran for President in 1964 on the Democratic ballot, this was a matter of consolidating control of the state party as in fact, he had been a Truman loyalist in 1948 when most of the state party backed Thurmond and kept Truman off the ballot and this advanced his career.

So Wallace knew what he was doing, Hill and Sparkman had been Truman loyalists in 1948.

And Wallace won the fight to keep LBJ off the ballot.

If LBJ won, I think the anti-Wallace forces would have coalesced around LBJ, in most Southern states LBJ won the local pols all opposed the civil rights bills but then would attack Goldwater on social security, TVA, etc.

This presumes that Wallace's nemesis De Graffenreid and the Birmingham business class throw in behind LBJ simply to embarass Wallace, and the Mobile County vote, having spent the better part of my life there I can say that with confidence, basically a combination of local politics and Brookley and then a third of the vote in the city of Mobile being black and the fact that a number of analyses show black voters gave Louisiana to Ike in 1956 as there were at least 150,000 black voters on the the rolls in the state

So I mainly wanted a map representation of this, so what would need to be done to it to make clear it was a silly race not a real one, and should show up as such?


D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)November 27, 2021 12:24pm
I was specifically trying not to have it show up and I thought silly races would cover it. It was the first one I have ever done.

The point was I wanted a map representation of it, and I was specifically trying to make sure I did that, because I know on the account thing is says check if you want to see silly races, and I checked that, so what have I done wrong exactly, as I seriously do not know.....

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)November 25, 2021 09:25am
And I checked that this was a "silly race" as it was a hypothetical, first one of those I have done, I want to make sure it properly shows up as such

Generally I took the 1964 vote in the state as was and just multiplied new percentages in each county

My sense is, this largely mirrors what 1948 looks like if Truman remains on the ballot, and when you compare it to states where you had a competitive race in 1948 where Thurmond wins Louisiana but Truman wins Florida, it is a race I want to model but my sense is Truman carries Alabama with almost all Thurmond votes south of Talladega, of course as it really happened, Thurmond was official 1948 nominee in Alabama and won what FDR had in 1944 because his supporters won a fight within the state party, but were barred from the party by Truman loyalists in subsequent years which is why you see the jump for Eisenhower in 1952 in the state

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)November 25, 2021 09:19am
Compare this to the presidential vote in 1928 and the Hill-Martin race of 1962 as well as 1976 and 1980 presidential

It keeps to the standard divide that long divided Alabama elections regionally, also compare to the presidential races from 1836-1860

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)July 23, 2021 02:12pm
The Whigs carried Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 15.

The Democrats carried 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Real Estate Assessment was lowest in Ward 13 and highest in Ward 1, only one Democratic ward had a higher assessed value than any Whig ward, this was Ward 12, which was higher than Ward 15, otherwise the lower value wards went Democratic, higher ones Whig

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)July 23, 2021 02:08pm
1859 Mayoral Election results by Ward

1: Wood 820; Havemeyer 584; Opdyke 273
2: Wood 155; Havemeyer 156; Opdyke 163
3. Wood 243; Havemeyer 221; Opdyke 175
4. Wood 1464; Havemeyer 513; Opdyke 262
5. Wood 1011; Havemeyer 884; Opdyke 665
6. Wood 1110; Havemeyer 1340; Opdyke 153
7. Wood 1849; Havemeyer 1275; Opdyke 1034
8. Wood 1411; Havemeyer 1496; Opdyke 857
9. Wood 1441; Havemeyer 2112; Opdyke 2348
10. Wood 913; Havemeyer 1189; Opdyke 773
11. Wood 2207; Havemeyer 1767; Opdyke 1087
12. Wood 982; Havemeyer 861; Opdyke 583
13. Wood 1272; Havemeyer 1081; Opdyke 873
14. Wood 1638; Havemeyer 1013; Opdyke 365
15. Wood 733; Havemeyer 1461; Opdyke 1257
16. Wood 1609; Havemeyer 1609; Opdyke 1771
17. Wood 2576; Havemeyer 2231; Opdyke 1799
18. Wood 2064; Havemeyer 1865; Opdyke 1421
19. Wood 1411; Havemeyer 826; Opdyke 835
20. Wood 2091; Havemeyer 2008; Opdyke 1974
21. Wood 1576; Havemeyer 1574; Opdyke 1472
22. Wood 1363; Havemeyer 923; Opdyke 1128

Source: Historical Atlas of New York City page 85

Can someone find a ward map and add this on here? I think it is historically significant as in source book the wards are all in the southern parts generally of New York County

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 26, 2021 10:23am
I have created this one as I found the results looking in a book on Prichard and because the reason why there has been an effort to abolish the Prichard Water System is in part Chickasaw being under it but also, generally the water board goes it is probably not 10 years before the city is unincorporated.

AJ Cooper (former Mayor 1972-1980) opposed the MAWSS takeover when it came for a vote, his brother was Gary Cooper who served in Alabama House 103 in the 1970s. He later served in the administrations of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 25, 2021 07:15am
Is there anyway we can go for central moderation.

I ask because it occurs to me, adding a lot of local races in Alabama specifically, I apparently can create subcategory containers, and I would like to do that for some of these, but will need orphaned results moved to the correct categories and I do not have those abilities at this time

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 24, 2021 11:04am
My grandfather had been a Police Lieutenant and his obituary actually had an error of him retiring in 1971 and I know this because the Mobile Press-Register in 1998, they used to have a "Yesterday's News Section" when we actually had real newspapers, and they'd bring up a snippet of an old story

And so in 1998 for the "25 years ago" section one day was the story from 1973 of when my grandfather retired.

It was a big enough of a story it made the paper then and they quoted it 25 years later.

In large part because he almost ran for Sheriff in 1974, opted for this race instead, and not making the Sheriff race gave him time to get more involved in PVA.

But he became paralyzed and so for two years he was the # 2 in command at the Police Academy.

I am bringing this up because he retired at the police rank of Lieutenant, he in fact was over the Narcotics and Vice Squad when he became paralyzed, a program he had to let first time offenders avoid jail time actually got a UPI write up in 1970.

But his military rank with the Air Force was some kind of Sergeant Major, but he spent several years in the press referred to as Lieutenant and so I don't know if I should alter this to reflect that at the time, everyone knew him as "Lieutenant Romagnano" and that he forewent the Sheriff's race for this.

Purvis, I was told by kin, was not going to make the race against Bridges if grandpa ran, but he didn't, and Purvis defeated Bridges in the '74 election

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 24, 2021 08:36am
Buffett recorded an ad for Siegelman (I think a phone call)

He performed at the 1999 inaugural and the Siegelman redesign of the license plate (done in Alabama every 5 years) to Stars Fell on Alabama was in honor of the Buffett version of the song.

Buffett was raised in Mobile

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 23, 2021 04:40pm
Under Florida law, only votes for qualified candidates are counted. So any write in vote counted was for Romagnano, as Romagnano was the only qualified write in in the race


Go to 2020 general......

Under Florida law....only votes for qualified candidates can be legally counted.

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 23, 2021 04:05pm
I found them in the Tuscaloosa News from an article after the runoff in 1974, was once available on the Newspapers.com or whatever it is called archive.

Also from the Microfiche in Mobile County from the actual records, example, I know the Alabama Education Association donated both to my grandfather and Johnstone in the runoff.

As I recall Melvin Brunson was a primary opponent, have never found his formal vote total though

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 23, 2021 04:03pm
Please remove the Romagnano endorsement from Hudson.....Romagnano backed Buffkin the entire thing but I find no way to delete it....

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 22, 2021 08:21pm
In 2004, Alabama did not have a presidential primary until June 2004, when it was all over, at points in the race I backed Wesley Clark and in the end was for John Edwards to "stop John Kerry" but in 2003 I wrote editorials to the Mobile Press-Register, never printed advocating a candidate, and so most of he "endorsements" are actual votes I cast, but in the case of 2004 will be who my first choice for president was in that year

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 22, 2021 03:38pm
Vivian Beckerle served as Mobile County Treasurer in the 1990's, she was a Republican then.

In 2004 her husband was head of the Mobile County Democratic Executive Committee, he is also an ex-Republican

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 22, 2021 02:52pm
Wells Griffith is missing from this race, he ran in the first primary, generally competed well with Byrne in Midtown Mobile and not many other places, but he was a candidate, received votes, later had a position in the Trump Administration.

His family owns a gas station in Mobile, Griffith Shell

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 22, 2021 01:54pm
It's a long story, I filed in the Alabama race mainly over a legal dispute as I used to live there, I actually was trying to win the office of Escambia County Property Appraiser as a Republican, as no one else was filing, but was discouraged by the Escambia County GOP Vice-Chair.

The way Florida works, I should have been sworn in as Circuit Clerk on January 5th, Pam in theory had more votes, but under Florida law, without minimum signatures she was not a qualified candidate and the way Florida law works, only votes for "qualified candidates" can be legally counted and so legally, I placed first as a write-in in November, should have been sworn into the $150,000 a year job back in January and have even contacted the Ethics & Elections Committee of the Florida Senate on this.

That nothing gets done is why I filed for Legislature.


D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)June 22, 2021 12:40pm
Someone needs to edit the Broward page to reflect that he was a serious contender for the Vice-Presidential nomination in 1908, but Bryan (a cousin of Governor Jennings) preferred someone else.

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