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  Left-wing faction breaks away from SYRIZA
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Nov 12, 2023 12:39pm
News DateNov 12, 2023 12:00pm
Description“Umbrella,” the left-wing faction of the main opposition SYRIZA party, led by former Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, has officially announced it has quit the party.

The moved capped several weeks of tension between members of the faction and newly-elected SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis,whom Umbrella accused of ditching the party’s leftist ideology for a vague sort of social media-driven “post-politics” centered around the idea of a charismatic leader who, in Kasselakis’ words , “connects directly with the people” and sidesteps party structures.

The break had been made almost inevitable by Kasselakis’ decision to ask for the expulsion of three “Umbrella” members, all former ministers, with two of them – Panos Skourletis and Dimitris Vitsas – also having serves as party secretaries. The thirs member, former Education Minister Nikos Filis, had said Kasselakis behaved more like Bepe Grillo, the Italian comedian who founded a political party, and former US President Donald Trump than a left-wing politician.

Kasselakis, made aware that his proposal might not be approved by either the party’s Disciplinary Commission or its Central Committee, proposed a few days, on the eve of a Central Committee meeting, that the expulsion be approved by the party base. This was criticized even by several of his supporters within the party and made certain that the Central Committee’s meeting on Saturday became a tumultuous affair.
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