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  The First Native American Congresswoman in US History Could be Elected This Year
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Last EditedRP  May 17, 2018 08:36pm
News DateMay 10, 2018 08:35pm
DescriptionOn a February evening, Deb Haaland, Democratic candidate for Congress in New Mexico’s first district and a member of the Turquoise clan of the Laguna Pueblo tribe, addressed a crowd of supporters packed shoulder to shoulder in a Capitol Hill brownstone. With stairs as a pulpit, Haaland rested a forearm on the bannister and leaned into her stump speech. “I am the only candidate who went to Standing Rock to stand with the Water Protectors,” Haaland said to cheers from the crowd. “There have been more than 10,000 members of Congress—but never a Native American woman.”

Two months later and just a few blocks away, Paulette Jordan, Democratic candidate for Governor of Idaho, spoke to a crowd of about 30 supporters gathered at the National Indian Gaming Association headquarters. “We want to make history,” she said to the attorneys and advocates circled round. “But we also want to make change.”
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