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  Minnesota caucus night culminates campaign flurry in state
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ContributorThe Oncoming Storm 
Last EditedThe Oncoming Storm  Mar 02, 2004 09:12am
News DateMar 02, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionOn Tuesday, neighborhood meetings held around the state could help decide who the Democrats nominate for president. The Minnesota caucuses are part of "super Tuesday." Residents of California, New York and seven other states will also vote in presidential primaries. And for the first time in many years, the candidates have been focusing on Minnesota along with the bigger states.

St. Paul, Minn. — Minnesota has seen a flurry of presidential politics in the last week and a half. Democratic candidates John Edwards, John Kerry and Dennis Kucinich have all made campaign visits. And Republican Vice President Dick Cheney stumped for President Bush's re-election campaign. Bush narrowly lost Minnesota in 2000.
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