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  NRCC’s Valentine’s gift for Barrow: free plane ticket to Obama speech
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Last EditedScott³  Feb 15, 2013 04:32pm
News DateFeb 13, 2013 04:30pm
Description"Should Democratic Rep. John Barrow wish to join President Barack Obama Thursday in Atlanta, the National Republican Congressional Committee says it has a plane ticket reserved with the blue dog’s name on it.

The president set out this morning on a two-state swing through the south that will close with a speech at a metropolitan Atlanta school in which he is expected to address early education funding.

Barrow has not been in close political proximity with the president since 2008, when then-candidate Obama recorded a radio spot to encourage African American support for the congressman, but the NRCC says it secured a southbound ticket just in case the pair wish to jointly “celebrate their love for failed liberal policies” on Valentine’s Day.

“There’s no better way for John Barrow to show his love for Barack Obama’s extreme liberal policies than with a surprise visit to campaign alongside each other in Atlanta,” NRCC Political Director Robb Simms said in an emailed statement. “Every kiss may begin with Kay, but this Valentine’s Day, each and every piece of Obama’s big-government agenda will begin with the help of John Barrow.”
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