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  State With Most Integrity is New Jersey, Center for Public Integrity Study Shows
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Mar 19, 2012 01:21am
News DateMar 18, 2012 11:00am
DescriptionWASHINGTON -- A new study named a state known for government scandals and arrests as in the best position to prevent corruption.

The State Integrity Investigation, being released Monday by the Center for Public Integrity, ranked New Jersey first for having procedures in place for a transparent government meant to prevent corruption. The report concludes CPI's in-depth assessment of the 50 states, including a study of the state's procedures to maintain a transparent government and ethics watchdogs. New Jersey is joined at the top of the list by no. 2-ranked Connecticut, which saw former Gov. John Rowland (R) resign amid corruption scandals in 2004.


Under the formula used by CPI, no states received an A grade; New Jersey's received the only B+. Joining the Garden State in the top five are Connecticut, Washington, California and Nebraska. Nineteen states received Cs and 18 received Ds. Eight states -- North Dakota, Michigan, South Carolina, Maine, Virginia, Wyoming, South Dakota and Georgia -- received Fs.
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