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  Critique of Bush's speech needed an injection of reality
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ContributorMr. Techno 
Last EditedMr. Techno  Jan 27, 2004 10:21am
News DateJan 27, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionThe views expressed in last week's editorial on the president's State of the Union speech are so far from the mainstream of what most Minnesotans and Americans believe that they clearly fit under the late Sen. Pat Moynihan's observation: Never has the opposite of the truth been so precisely stated.

Because of the nature of your inaccurate attack on the president, we have taken the unprecedented step of replying with one voice.

If it is going to serve the public and stimulate a thoughtful dialogue, an editorial board should not allow personal, partisan bitterness to trump the facts. Even opinions need to be more than mere conjecture. Minnesota readers deserve more responsible journalism than we saw in Wednesday's editorial.

At some point, basic fairness, honesty and some relationship to reality must become part of the equation.
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