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  Israeli lawmaker says he offered Mubarak asylum
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Last EditedJason  Aug 03, 2011 06:44am
News DateAug 03, 2011 06:35am
DescriptionJERUSALEM (AP) - Several months ago, Israel offered embattled Hosni Mubarak asylum but the then-president of Egypt turned the offer down "because he was a patriot," an Israeli lawmaker said Wednesday.

Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, a longtime friend of the ousted Egyptian leader, told Army Radio he proposed that Mubarak seek asylum in Israel's Red Sea port city of Eilat, which is located on Israel's border with Egypt's Sinai desert.

The offer came up during a meeting between Mubarak and Ben-Eliezer in Sharm el-Sheikh, an Egyptian resort also on the Red Sea.

"I met him in Sharm el-Sheikh and told him that the distance was very short, and perhaps this would be a good time for him to heal himself," Ben-Eliezer said. "I am sure the Israeli government would have accepted him, but he refused because he is a patriot."
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