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  British PM David Cameron strugles to maintain credibility amidst tabloid scandal
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Last EditedMonsieur  Jul 08, 2011 09:00pm
News DateJul 08, 2011 08:00pm
DescriptionBritish Prime Minister David Cameron is fighting to protect his credibility after his former communications director was arrested along with another former News of the World journalist in the widening controversy over the behaviour of the British tabloid press.

Mr. Cameron started his day at a news conference meant to address some of the British public’s anger at the scandal, but spent most of his time answering questions about his ties to Rupert Murdoch’s powerful media empire and his own judgment in hiring former News of the World editor Andy Coulson to run his communications office.

Mr. Coulson was arrested about an hour after the news conference ended on criminal allegations of corruption and illegally intercepting telephone voice mail messages. Police also rearrested Clive Goodman, a former News of the World royal correspondent, on allegations of paying $160,000 in bribes to several junior police officers, and were investigating whether News of the World attempted to destroy thousands of internal e-mails.
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