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  San Antonio Rep. Joe Straus wins another term as Texas House speaker
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorTX DEM 
Last EditedTX DEM  Jan 10, 2011 05:09pm
News DateJan 10, 2011 03:00pm
DescriptionSpeaker Joe Straus won overwhelming support from the House Republican caucus Monday, effectively ending this years speaker's race.

Seventy of the chamber's 100 Republicans stood in support of Straus in a closed door session, said Rep. Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, the GOP caucus chairman.

That signaled Straus, R-San Antonio, will have more than enough votes -- when his Democratic votes are added -- to win a second term as speaker in Tuesday's vote by all 150 House members.

"This is a strong, uniting step toward what will be a difficult session," Straus said.

Taylor, referring to tea party activists who said Straus isn't conservative enough, said, "Withhold your judgment of us until the end of the session."

He predicted House passage of conservative bills on the Texas budget, immigration, border security and abortion.
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