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  Gov. Rendell on Eagles Postponement: We're a Nation of Wussies
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Dec 27, 2010 04:37pm
News DateDec 27, 2010 04:00pm
Description"Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell has some thoughts about moving the Eagles vs. Vikings game from Sunday night to Tuesday night because of impending snow:

"I think it's a joke," he said. "I was looking forward to this. It would have been a real experience. This is what football is all about. We're becoming a nation of wussies."


Rendell made his pointed comments during an interview with Fox 29 News. He went on to argue with chief meteorologist John Bolaris about the amount of snow that actually fell in Philadelphia -- the site of the postponed game.

Bolaris said that there was actually seven inches of snow on the ground at 7 p.m., but Rendell disagreed, saying there was less.

"No, that was at 8:30 according to FEMA," Rendell argued. "This is no way, shape or form a blizzard!"
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