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  Pigs in a pen deliver lesson about freedom
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Last EditedImperator  Jul 04, 2010 08:16am
News DateJul 04, 2010 08:00am
DescriptionEvery Fourth of July we Americans celebrate our liberty and our independence from an oppressive, overreaching government.

We do this through wonderful, time-honored rituals.

We wave the flag. We shoot off fireworks. We barbecue and eat watermelon in the shade. Someone brings out a radio or a tiny TV and soon we're enjoying baseball (or the World Cup).

We drink some beer and the kids gather round and sit upon the grass and listen to our stories. But few, if any of us, tell children of the most important Independence Day story of all:

How to Catch Wild Pigs.

The Americans who won independence with their blood and sacrifice didn't have to tell their kids how to catch wild pigs. They knew. Their kids knew.

But these days, especially now, our children need to know. But this sort of thing won't be taught in school. It's too subversive.

If you're one of these people who don't want to know how to catch wild pigs, you should stop reading this immediately. You might be a vegetarian. Or it might upset you for other reasons.

But the wild pigs have been on my mind lately, with federal government growing and growing. In the last decade, under a Republican and then a Democrat in the White House, the federal authority has grown beyond imagining.

Which brings me back to the story of the feral pigs.
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