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   US lawmakers want IOC to strip Russia of 2014 Olympics
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ContributorThe Sunset Provision 
Last EditedThe Sunset Provision  Aug 14, 2008 07:24pm
News DateAug 14, 2008 07:00pm
DescriptionRussia should be stripped of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics for sending its troops into neighboring Georgia, two US lawmakers said Thursday in announcing a planned bill to put before Congress.

Representatives Allyson Schwartz and Bill Shuster, both of Pennsylvania, will ask that Congress push the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to pull the Winter Games from Russia and designate a new host city for the event.

"Russia's blatant violation of the long-respected 'Olympic truce' should be enough for the IOC to join with us in choosing a more worthy venue," Shuster said.

"Russia's belligerence against the people of Georgia and their democratically elected government cannot go unpunished."

The planned resolution called for the IOC to "move immediately to designate a new host city for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games."
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