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  Porn star exits Calif. race to be with injured mom
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Last EditedRP  Oct 23, 2006 03:52pm
News DateOct 23, 2006 02:30pm
DescriptionPorn star Mary Carey said on Monday she was dropping out of the California governor's race to be with her ailing mother, who has been hospitalized in Florida since jumping off a four-story building last month.

Carey, who shot to worldwide fame with her quixotic gubernatorial campaign against Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003, said her mother was in critical condition at a Ft. Lauderdale hospital and facing surgery.

"As much as I want to help the state of California be a better place, I think it is more important to be with my mom and help her," Carey said in a written statement. Carey said her mentally handicapped mother jumped off the building in September.

"I am only 26 and have many more years to be involved in politics, but right now I must be in Florida with my mom," Carey said. "For now I would just like to ask everyone to pray for a healthy recovery."
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