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  Anti-Alito filibuster soundly defeated [72-25]
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  Jan 30, 2006 05:46pm
News DateJan 30, 2006 05:45pm
DescriptionA Democratic filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito -- led by Massachusetts Democratic Sens. John Kerry and Edward M. Kennedy -- was defeated 72-25 Monday, all but assuring Alito's appointment to the high court.

The vote to end debate easily exceeded the 60 votes needed to pass the motion.

The Republican leadership said the final vote confirming Alito, 55, would be Tuesday morning, just hours before President Bush's State of the Union address. A majority of senators already have said they will vote for the nominee.

During Monday's floor debate, Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island became the first -- and, at the moment, only -- Republican to say he would vote against Alito. He did not support the filibuster.
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