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  Blackout delays Capitol action
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Last EditedEric  Jul 13, 2005 10:49pm
News DateJul 13, 2005 10:00pm
DescriptionIn the midst of the session-ending debate on budget bills, the Minnesota Capitol went dark this afternoon.

At about 4 p.m., as the House and Senate were both in session, all but the Capitol's emergency lights went off ending both floor sessions.

The lights remained off for one hour. House officials were preparing to resume session with a court reporter recording the debate but with power restored they scrapped the plan.

Lawmakers were expected to return to the House and Senate to wrap up the four remaining bills tonight. The bills cover education, human services, transportation and taxes.

Earlier this afternoon the House passed the tax bill. The Senate still has floor votes on each of the bills.

At the time of the blackout, the House was debating a 75-cents-a-pack charge to cigarettes. The controversial measure provides $400 million in funding over the next two years and is a critical piece in the budget deal reached between Gov. Tim Pawlenty and legislative leaders last week.
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