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  Tucker, Ken
NameKen Tucker
, Indiana , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
ContributorCharlotte Rose
Last ModifedCharlotte Rose
May 14, 2020 09:40am
InfoMy name is Ken Tucker. I’m a guy from Indiana.

I was born here. I was educated here. I have lived my entire life here. I have lived in many different towns and cities of this fine state: Cedar Lake, Crown Point, Muncie, West Lafayette, Castleton, Fishers, and now Westfield. I would imagine there are only a few points in extreme western and eastern Indiana that I haven’t at least driven through during my almost 40 years traveling through this Midwestern state and beyond.

The home I was brought to from the hospital was a trailer just off the tracks in Cedar Lake. My mom was married, divorced, and a working mother of 2 with only a high school diploma by the time she could legally drink.

Thanks to my younger siblings I learned at an early age that having kids was hard work and expensive. Seeing that I was 10 and 8 years older than both respectfully I was a live in baby sitter during my teenage years. Which definitely kept me out of trouble, close to home, and strengthened my belief that having a kid when you’re still a kid leads to a harder life. But, I was never looking for trouble, and I knew at a young age that I never wanted to be a parent until I was close to 30. I exceeded that modest goal by 5 years.

I’ve lived in every type of “home” a person in America could at this point in my life; trailers, apartments, a townhouse, rental homes in college, and finally my dream of a nice single family unit now. Heck, I have even slept outside on two separate occasions with nothing but the clothes on my back. I missed curfew. Which is crazy considering I never really had one. I’m not kidding.

My mother and my grandma were the center of our family. Each of whom are/were amazing woman. Both divorced, remarried, and living the “mix family life” that has been made to look trendy now. Trust me. It wasn’t. Whenever you take a poor kid and put them around not poor and more traditional home environments it’s never easy. But those two strong ladies built strong roots with each other and with their kids.

I used sports as a distraction from my life and a place to focus my teenage and adolescent angst. Watching, playing, reading, obsessing over them. I did better than most on the field of play. Sports gave me a path to a higher education that I truly never even considered before I started getting recruited to play at the college level. My body began breaking down before ever actually playing in college. But, because of sports and some sound advice from my guidance counselor and “Coach” I inadvertently had an opportunity to pursue a diploma.

After crunching the numbers, weighing the pros and cons, my wife and I decided that my 12 year teaching career (2007-2018) within Noblesville Schools should come to an end. The decision was easy considering how much I still was not making as a public school teacher in Indiana after 12 years. It was a simple equation.

My salary just slightly > the cost of child care for our daughters

After 12 years in education
Sad? Absolutely. My wife makes more money than me so essentially it was a moral/ethical decision. Did I want to continue helping other peoples kids or focus solely on molding the minds of our daughters.

So far in life I am 3 for 3 when it comes to big decisions. First, I married my best friend. Next, we bought a home that we could afford at that time. Most recently, and because of the first two, staying at home with my two daughters. I have and am loving every moment of this amazing adventure. I think that’s enough about me personally.

Now, as my “Irish Twins” 4 and 3. Each August and September they are the same age. (like I said “Irish Twins”). As they creep closer to leaving the nest to join the rank and file within the Indiana Public School System. I plan on using this website to contemplate:

Where I have been,

What I would like to do,

What I have done as a dad,

and a person,

And how I can leave a positive mark on our Planet,

State and Nation

Please feel free to follow along with whatever is to come from “a guy from indiana”.

Thank you,



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