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  Carr, Bob
NameBob Carr
, New South Wales , Australia
Born September 28, 1947
Died Still Living (77 years)
ContributorKarma Policeman
Last ModifedKarma Policeman
May 26, 2007 12:04am
InfoRobert John Carr (born 28 September 1947), Australian politician, was Premier of New South Wales from 25 March 1995 to 3 August 2005. He holds the record for the longest continuous service as Premier of New South Wales. Only Sir Henry Parkes has served longer, but he held the office on five separate occasions.

[edit] Early career

The son of a train driver, Carr was born in the Sydney suburb of Matraville, and was educated at Matraville High School and the University of New South Wales, from which he graduated as a BA with honours in history.

Before entering politics, Carr was a journalist for the ABC Radio's AM current affairs program, wrote for The Bulletin and spent a period working for the Labor Council of New South Wales.

In 1972, Carr met the Malaysian economics student, Anne Helena John on a vacation in Tahiti, and they married on 24 February 1973. She is now an Australian businesswoman known as Helena Carr.

[edit] Entry into politics

Carr entered the New South Wales Legislative Assembly at a by-election in October 1983 as the member for Maroubra, representing the Australian Labor Party.[1]

In December 1984 he was appointed Minister for Planning and the Environment in the Neville Wran government. He held this position until March 1988, when the ALP lost government. In February 1986 he also took on the Consumer Affairs portfolio, which he held until he became Minister for Heritage in July 1986.

[edit] Leader of the Opposition

Carr's long-term ambition was to enter federal politics and be Minister for Foreign Affairs in a federal Labor government. But following the defeat of the Barrie Unsworth Labor government in March 1988, Carr was pressured by the party organisation and his own Right faction to stand for the leadership. Carr reluctantly agreed, and became Leader of the Opposition.

His diary entries from the time reveal "I spent today like a doomed man, taking phone calls and drafting a statement, still saying to the press I wasn't shifting. I feel a jolt in my stomach about what I'm getting myself in for. I will destroy my career in four years. Everything's altered. It's my fate … So, for better or for worse, I become leader of the party next week."[2]

Despite this reluctance, Carr's performance as Opposition Leader gained wide approval in the party and NSW Labor only narrowly lost a tight election to Nick Greiner's coalition government in 1991, despite no one expecting Labor to come close to victory.

[edit] Premier of New South Wales

In 1995 he became Premier at another close election and won comfortably again in 1999 and 2003.

His centrist, cautious government has been characterised by conservative financial management and the encouragement of market forces, and latterly pursued a "tough on crime" policy. Carr occasionally ventured into national policy issues, particularly issues concerning the environment and population growth. A keen bushwalker, he created numerous national parks in NSW over his decade-long term as Premier.

A year after his appointment as Premier, Carr caused controversy when he recommended that the newly appointed New South Wales Governor, Gordon Samuels, not live at Government House, which would become a museum open to the public; the Governor would instead "work from home" as essentially a part-time Governor.[3] This decision was seen by monarchists as an attempt by Carr, a republican, to downgrade the importance of the office of Governor; to substantiate this they claimed that during the announcement of the move Carr stated: "That's one for Jack Lang"[4] - a former Premier who was dismissed by the Governor for acting illegally. However, when Samuels ended his tenure as Governor, Carr praised him for his work, and it was mentioned that Samuels had no issue with abandoning Government House.[3] The cost savings, stated to be over $2 million a year, never materialized; the Auditor General reported that costs to maintain the house and the office of the Governor had actually increased by $600,000. Initially it was also suggested that Samuels would retain his various chairmanships and committee memberships while serving as Governor, but after protests from some sections of the media this suggestion was dropped.

In August 2004, Carr faced criticism due to his alleged involvement in the Orange Grove affair, and also from the Commissioner of the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption, due to his remarks that a minister under investigation by the ICAC would be "vindicated" before the release of that body's findings on the matter; this resulted in an allegation of contempt, which was subsequently dropped.

After 10 years as Premier, Carr announced his resignation both as Premier and as the Member for Maroubra on 27 July 2005 to be effective from 3 August. This immediately prompted speculation that the resignation was a prelude to a move into federal politics, but Carr denied this. His successor as Premier is former Health Minister Morris Iemma. Carr's resignation triggered the resignations of Deputy Premier Andrew Refshauge and Planning Minister Craig Knowles.

Carr has opposed Australian republicanism if it entails public election of the President (he supported a President appointed by Parliament). He also opposed a Bill of Rights, claiming it would merely lead to increased litigation.

[edit] Literature

Bob Carr is the author of several books, the best-known being Thoughtlines (Viking, 2002). He is an acknowledged expert[citation needed] on certain aspects of the political history of the United States, especially Abraham Lincoln, whose second inaugural he quoted in his resignation speech. He is a charter member of the Chester A. Arthur Society, a US political trivia group named for one of the most obscure US presidents.

In May 2003, a biography by Marilyn Dodkin, Bob Carr: The Reluctant Leader, was published. It was partly based on Carr's private diaries and included his often uncomplimentary thoughts on various political personalities. A second biography, Bob Carr: A Self-Made Man, by Andrew West and Rachel Morris, was published in September 2003 by Harper Collins.

A recent example of his recognition as a writer, he appeared on stage at the 2004 Sydney Festival in conversation with Tom Stoppard.

[edit] After politics

In October 2005 Carr became a part-time consultant for Macquarie Bank, Australia's largest investment bank and one which had been closely involved in a number of government projects. Media reports claimed that someone of Mr Carr's experience would be likely to be paid around $AUD500,000 per annum, but neither this nor any other figure has been confirmed by the Bank or Mr Carr. Macquarie's media announcement declared he would advise on policy and strategic issues with a focus on the United States, the People's Republic of China, and Europe. Bob Carr is the Vice Chairman of Global Panel Australasia, a partner of the respected Berlin-based Global Panel Foundation. He has also appeared as a reporter for the ABC television show Foreign Correspondent, including conducting an interview with long-time friend Gore Vidal.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  03/13/2012 AUS Minister for Foreign Affairs Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  03/22/2003 NSW Premier Won 52.38% (+21.90%)
  03/27/1999 NSW Premier Won 59.14% (+23.66%)
  04/04/1995 Labor Party Leadership Election Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  03/25/1995 NSW Premier Won 50.51% (+4.04%)
  05/25/1991 NSW Premier Lost 46.46% (-3.03%)
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