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   to CaliforniaModerate
Screen NameCaliforniaModerate   
LocationLos Angeles, ,
BirthdayAugust 25, 1997
First LoginNovember 15, 2019 02:38am
Last LoginMarch 21, 2024 09:14pm
Predictions Points: 388.7347
Predictions: 135/191 (70.68%)
Points Per: 388.7347/191 (2.04)
Emote Messages 3
N:10422CaliforniaModerate ( 388.73 points)
April 05, 2021 02:44am
Interesting to learn this, but this Bill Hoge is the same Bill Hoge who served in the California State Assembly as a Republican in the 1990’s. The pages are separate because I presume it was hard for anyone to know that off the top of their head but after digging through some articles it’s apparent that it’s true. He was the last Republican to represent the historically Republican Pasadena that’s now reliably Democratic.

N:10422CaliforniaModerate ( 388.73 points)
August 02, 2020 03:59am
This is the wrong Diane Martinez on this page, the candidate on this race was Diane Janet Martinez of the Paramount City Council who ran in the open 2012 seat won by Anthony Rendon.

N:10422CaliforniaModerate ( 388.73 points)
March 26, 2020 12:53am
I made a duplicate! My apologies. It was my first time trying to add a candidate to a general election who had yet to be called. The ballots are finished counting in AD25.

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