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   to Old LW
Screen NameOld LW   
NameLawrence Watson
LocationMonongahela, ,
BirthdayFebruary 11, 1988
First LoginJanuary 17, 2006 07:08pm
Last LoginJune 09, 2024 10:38pm
Predictions Points: 622.1556
Predictions: 333/386 (86.27%)
Points Per: 622.1556/386 (1.61)
Emote Messages 36
LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
November 29, 2022 10:03pm
"unfortunate" stabbing incident.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
May 08, 2022 09:57pm
Pennsylvanian: Guess we'll have to wait and see which one of these carpetbagging schmucks is the first to cut an ad of himself shotgunning a can of Iron City while waiving a Terrible Towel. Good grief.

Only would work if they did an Imp 'n Arn.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
April 24, 2022 05:57pm
Hikikomori Blitzkrieg!: I can't really enter my prediction in an offcial capacity untl the run-off candidates are known, but 2022 is a watershed year, and I am now officially predicting that Marine Le Pen will be elected the next President of France in this year's run-off election.

Any lottery numbers you like? I wanna know what not to play.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
February 05, 2022 04:36pm
Some of you get worse, I agree.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
October 06, 2021 02:34am
"It's a question of whether or not we're gonna go forward to the future, or past to the--to the back" - Dan Quayle, wordsmith.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
August 13, 2021 02:56pm
Guess I'm the only self-identified extrovert on this site.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
August 11, 2021 10:19pm
And Thatcher barely united the two wings. The wets despised her but couldn't dump her because she won in 83 and 87. If she'd lost either of them, she'd have been gone. Hopefully she thanked her lucky stars for Michael Foot, the SDP, and the Falklands.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
August 06, 2021 03:19pm
I really dislike Lamb's decision to run here. Not only is he likely to lose a general election (being a conservative pro-life westerner isn't exactly going to endear him to the east), but his congressional seat will almost certainly be won by a Republican.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
August 05, 2021 11:49pm
BrentinCO: Colombe's very original campaign website is


Man, that website is like if 2004 threw up on my browser.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
March 26, 2021 10:02pm
He wasn't a very good wrestler either.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
August 12, 2020 02:21pm
Every time I see this woman is running for another office, I can't help but thinking of this moment from the Colbert Report:


LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
August 08, 2020 11:52pm
DylanSH99: I just love this website so much, what can I say?

Is it real love, or a transparent attempt to curry favor? I trust the denizens of OC will see through such a shameless act of self promotion.


LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
July 22, 2020 11:42am
I saw him perform at a literal bowling alley earlier this year before the lockdown, so his career has clearly been going well.

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