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   from Chronicler
Screen NameChronicler   
NameN.C. Elections
Location, PA,
BirthdayFebruary 21, 1967
AffiliationWilliam Penn
First LoginJanuary 28, 2004 08:43pm
Last LoginJune 13, 2024 08:31am
Predictions Points: 84.4516
Predictions: 10/14 (71.43%)
Points Per: 84.4516/14 (6.03)
Emote Messages 1
R:7206Hikikomori Blitzkrieg! ( 520.10 points)
x2 x4
January 13, 2021 01:40pm
So glad I never voted for this imbecile.

A ceremony got interrupted for a few hours, while some demonstrators (most of whom were under the vague misimpression they were allowed to be there) sorta wandered aimlessly around the Capitol, generally remaining behind the velvet red ropes as they did so.

The guy who beat that one cop to death, should be executed, and I would pull the switch myself, if called upon to do so.

But this was no "insurrection".

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