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  Kissinger Sees ‘Breakthrough’ in Russia Relations With U.S.
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Last EditedRP  Nov 18, 2009 02:47pm
Logged 3 [Current] [Older]
AuthorLucian Kim
News DateWednesday, November 18, 2009 08:45:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionFormer Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said the U.S. has reached a “breakthrough” in relations with Russia as the Obama administration seeks to
harness the Kremlin’s influence on the global stage.

“The world is different now -- Russia is no longer an ideological adversary,” Kissinger said in an interview with the
state-run broadcaster Russia Today. “A considerable breakthrough has already been made.”

The former Cold War rivals are leaving behind a 60-year legacy of disagreements and finding common ground on arms control, missile defense and Iran’s nuclear program, Kissinger
said. Progress will continue, he added.
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