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  Obama exits, Clinton keeps talking
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Last EditedScott³  Dec 10, 2010 11:04pm
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News DateSaturday, December 11, 2010 05:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description"Nobody owns the presidential podium like Bill Clinton, even in the Obama White House.

The former president, who stopped by the White House on Friday to meet with the current president and endorse his tax cuts deal with Republicans, held court for a half hour in the briefing room after President Barack Obama left to attend a holiday party in the residence.

Obama had barely left the room when Clinton rested his elbows on the podium and settled in. And once he was there he couldn’t get enough.

He fielded nearly a dozen questions, twice as many as Obama took during his briefing room press conference on Tuesday. He knew the reporters by name – calling out Ann Compton of ABC and George Condon of the National Journal with ease. Obama’s press secretary, Robert Gibbs, repeatedly tried in vain to rein him in. (“Gibbs will call ‘last question,’” Obama informed reporters as he left for the party.)

“Mr. President, I get the feeling that you're happier to be here commenting and giving advice than governing,” CBS’s Mark Knoller said to Clinton.

“Oh, I had quite a good time governing,” Clinton replied. “I am happy to be here.”

Obama seemed to convey just the opposite feeling. He had met privately with Clinton in the Oval Office for over an hour before the two decided at the last minute to make an appearance in front of the cameras, but he stayed in the briefing room only about 90 seconds."
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