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  Glenn Beck's paranoid thriller, "The Overton Window"
Parent(s) Book 
Last EditedRP  Jun 15, 2010 12:55pm
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AuthorSteven Levingston
MediaNewspaper - Washington Post
News DateTuesday, June 15, 2010 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe success of Glenn Beck's novel, "The Overton Window," will be measured not by its literary value (none), or its contribution to the thriller genre (small), or the money it rakes in (considerable), but rather by the rebelliousness it incites among anti-government extremists. If the book is found tucked into the ammo boxes of self-proclaimed patriots and recited at "tea party" assemblies, then Beck will have achieved his goal.

The story line, which fictionalizes Beck's well-known paranoia about a secret Big Government plan to crush the liberties of well-meaning citizens, is an extended call to arms, a rallying cry to his angry foot soldiers long stirred by his rantings on Fox News. As the last line of the book warns, "We're everywhere. . . . The fight starts tomorrow."
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