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  Third time charm in wacky Georgia legislative race?
Parent(s) Race 
ContributorMr. Techno 
Last EditedMr. Techno  Dec 23, 2003 11:01pm
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News DateTuesday, December 23, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionLaFAYETTE - State Rep. Mike Snow introduces himself to a voter who already knows who he is. After all, he's run this election three times in a year.
''You ever seen that movie 'Groundhog Day' where Bill Murray wakes up every day and it's the same day? I wake up and it's the same election,'' he said.
Snow and Republican minister Jay Neal are running for the third time in a race plagued by election problems. Neal won the first bout, and Snow won the second time - but judges keep calling for new elections because of ballot errors. Admits Neal, ''This is crazy.''
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