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  Katherine Harris learned 'lessons from the fire'
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Last EditedServo  Sep 22, 2007 08:46am
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News DateFriday, September 21, 2007 02:45:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionFormer U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris told guests at a family values conference that she is "catching up" after devoting her life to politics for the last 12 years.

She took the podium today to a standing ovation as part of a panel discussion on Christian Citizenship at the Family Impact Summit at Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon. She told the crowd it was "glorious to actually be here in Florida," explaining later that she had spent a lot of time traveling.

She told the audience that if they wanted to educate themselves to vote in the upcoming presidential election not to read the newspapers.

"They're not going to write stories in the newspapers that are news, they'll editorialize," she said. Anyone running for president is going to tout their Christian credentials, but voters should "be discerning and come to understand who these people are." Since they can't do that from news reports, they might check out conservative blogs on the Internet which "keep the media honest."
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