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  Islamic Movement: We’re all Hamas
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Last Edited411 Name Removed  Feb 13, 2006 11:04am
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News DateMonday, February 13, 2006 05:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionIbrahim Sarsur, head of the Islamic Movement’s southern branch, said on Friday during a demonstration against the publication of the Muhammad cartoons “We are all Hamas and we are all with Hamas.”

During the demonstration, which was held in the northern Negev city of Rahat, the thousand Islamic Movement members on hand marched from a mosque to the municipality building waving banners and flags while calling out Muhammad’s name.

Sarsur, who is also running for a Knesset seat on the United Arab List’s ticket, said “I call from this stage to all the rational religious people to join our effort and stop the terror attack aimed at destroying any chance at coexistence between the cultures.”
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