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  Clinton Gathers World Leaders
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Last EditedRP  Sep 16, 2005 06:33pm
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MediaNewspaper - Washington Post
News DateSaturday, September 17, 2005 12:30:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe U.N. General Assembly may have failed this week to come up with a stirring plan to combat the world's ills. But there was former president Bill Clinton -- once said to have harbored an ambition to become secretary general -- assembling his own mini-General Assembly of presidents, prime ministers, kings and other pooh-bahs on Thursday to devise specific plans for addressing poverty, global warming, religious conflict and better governance.

The inaugural meeting of what he has dubbed the Clinton Global Initiative will stretch over three days of seminars and speeches, bringing together 800 movers and shakers who paid $15,000 each for a seat. If the opening session is any guidepost, the meetings resemble the gabfests at Davos, the annual global economic summit held in Switzerland, or the Renaissance Weekends that Clinton attended as president. But Clinton added a catch -- each of the attendees is required to commit to doing something to improve the world.
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