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  In 'coffee' test, Sims left some with bitter aftertaste
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedRalphie  Mar 18, 2005 09:00am
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MediaNewspaper - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
News DateFriday, March 18, 2005 02:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionAmong political junkie readers, the argument that a Republican could upset King County Executive Rom Sims will be greeted with the assumption that this columnist has been drinking.

Correct, only the beverage of choice has been caffeine.

A recent countywide poll, conducted by Herbert Research for lobbyist Martin Durkan Jr., came up with a startling finding: A total of 43.9 percent of the 402 voters surveyed said they are likely to vote against Sims as he seeks a third term in this fall's election.

Only 21.3 percent of those surveyed responded that they would vote to re-elect Sims. A larger number, 25.2 percent, said it depends on which candidate runs against him. About 8 percent flat-out didn't know what they intend to do about the county executive's race.

In King County, which gave 160,000-vote margins to Sen. Maria Cantwell and Gov. Christine Gregoire, the support level for incumbent Democrat Sims is astoundingly low. It compares with Richard Nixon at Watergate, and Jimmy Carter inducing national malaise.

Since Durkan and pollster Jim Herbert have very different perspectives on its findings, I decided to put the poll's figures to a thoroughly unscientific Tully's Coffee test.

Having persuaded 25 coffee-drinkers in rural, suburban and urban King County to answer a few questions, here's what I learned:
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