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  Joe Lieberman for Secretary of State
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Nov 15, 2004 01:08pm
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News DateMonday, November 15, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionRedState.org posting

An excerpt..."In the wake of the Powell resignation (no, he did not "re-sign for four years" as I heard someone on ESPN Radio say), everyone seems to think the President's top choices for the State Department post include the likes of former Senator John Danforth or Condi Rice. Now I'll agree that Danforth's no slouch, and Condi is "Condi!!!" - but allow me to throw a name into the fray: Senator Joseph Lieberman.
Remember the Democratic Convention hall's reaction to Lieberman's values-laden anti-Islamist speech this summer. Reading it again, it's the kind of thing that should've ended in an endorsement of the President, not the mishmashed foreign policy of Kerry/Edwards. And remember the lines that TNR's Marty Peretz drew so clearly between Kerry and pro-Israel, anti-Islamist policies - the kind of policies that Joe Lieberman embodies.

Rice and Danforth are fine - but picking Joe Lieberman as Secretary of State would be an enormous political move, the kind of thing that can truly highlight the differences between today's Democratic Party and the friends of Israel and freedom around the world. Oh - and pissing off the United Nations would just be a lovely bonus."
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