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  US cuts 'sanctions' in Sudan [UN resolution] text
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Last Edited411 Name Removed  Jul 29, 2004 07:36pm
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MediaTV News - British Broadcasting Corporation BBC News
News DateThursday, July 29, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe US has reworded a draft UN resolution on war-ravaged Darfur to rally support for pressure on Sudan, accused of backing Arab militias there.

The new text does not mention the word "sanctions" against Khartoum, even though it maintains the threat.

A spokesman for an aid agency in Darfur said the draft was a delay when tough action was needed immediately.

The US says hundreds of people are dying every day because of the Sudanese government's failure to act.

But the aid agency spokesman - who wished to remain anonymous - said the changed US resolution appeared set "to let the government off the hook".
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