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  AL Supreme Court 01: Brown-Parker race pits business, religious wings of GOP
Parent(s) Race 
ContributorUser 490 
Last EditedUser 490  Apr 15, 2004 09:34pm
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MediaNewspaper - Birmingham News
News DateThursday, April 15, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionMONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) -- The Republican primary contest between Supreme Court Justice Jean Brown and challenger Tom Parker is turning into a classic battle between the GOP's business wing and its religious conservative wing.

It's the same kind of contest that catapulted Roy Moore to the chief justice's office in 2000.

For the primary on June 1, Brown has lined up endorsements from several business lobbying groups, while Parker is supported by his old boss, Moore
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