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  Erbakan, Necmettin
NameNecmettin Erbakan
, , Turkey
Born October 29, 1926
DiedFebruary 27, 2011 (84 years)
Last ModifedSesel
Mar 08, 2013 02:44pm
Tags Islam -
InfoFormer prime minister in Turkey, leader of coalition between the Welfare Party (his own) and the True Path Party (1996- 1997). Professor in physics. Lived in Germany for many years, where he worked as a scientist. Minister in coalition government under Bülent Ecevit in 1974. Erbakan was one of the founders of the Welfare Party, which started to grow tremendously in the recent few years.
In 1980 Erbakan was the leader of pro-Islamic protests which resulted in a military coup. Erbakan's party was banned and he was excluded from politics for 7 years.
It is believed that the Welfare Party's politics had less support than the actual election results, which was 21% in the elections of December 24, 1995. But people cast their ballots for it, as it has a high reputation for honesty in municipal governments. Many have also supported the Welfare Party because it has a polity that help the least fortunate in the Turkish society. Erbakan raised the wages for civil servants with 50% shortly after taking office.
As prime minister Erbakan chose a moderate line, but still oriented himself more in direction of other Muslim states without cutting any ties to the West, which many observers had expected. In Western media, his improved relations with Iran and Libya's leader Mu'ammar Gadhafi have been hard to accept. During his period of being prime minster, Erbakan changed from opposition to, into supporting Turkey's application for membership in the European Union (EU).
Erbakan's Welfare Party was outlawed in 1997 after a long campaign led by the Turkish military and forces afraid of a disintegration of the country by its possible Islamization and the chances of an escalation of the conflict with Kurdish nationalists.


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Importance? 9.00000 Average

Son Fatih Erbakan 1979-

  06/28/1996 Prime Minister of Turkey Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/21/1977 Turkey Deputy Prime Minister Won 50.00% (+0.00%)
  03/31/1975 Turkey Deputy Prime Minister Won 33.33% (+0.00%)
  01/26/1974 Turkey Deputy Prime Minister Won 100.00% (+100.00%)