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  Dansack, Mark P.
NameMark P. Dansack
, Ohio , United States
Born Unknown
ContributorNone Entered
Last ModifedNone Entered
Aug 30, 2006 12:32pm
InfoIn the course of his employment as a legal assistant in a Toledo-area law firm, 46th Ohio House District candidate Mark P. Dansack (D-Monclova Township) speaks daily to injured workers whose benefits are dependent on the same investment fund that was entrusted in part to Toledo-based rare coin dealer and Republican fundraiser Tom Noe, who has been charged with mismanaging and stealing millions from the fund. Reacting to the prosecution and guilty plea of a former Bureau of Workers Compensation official, Dansack issued this statement:
With the indictment of Terry Gasper, the former Chief Financial Officer of the Ohio BWC, one can only wonder how many others will be implicated, which calls into question the lack of oversight in Ohio and the perils of one party governance in Ohio. Without the "coingate" investigation, many of these betrayals of the public trust may never have been uncovered, illustrating the dangers of allowing one group to have total control over state government.

I still contend that Senate Bill 7, passed in March, represented a "slap in the face" to injured workers in Ohio who count on the insurance fund to received their treatment, medicines, and compensation. Clearly there was no reason to rush for a "reform" bill before all the ramifications of the BWC's scandals and investment losses were completely investigated and understood.
Dansack has a number of appearances scheduled for the coming days as his campaign picks up steam. He will appear tomorrow (Saturday, June 10) at the Miller Lite Pizza Challenge, to be held at the Lucas County Recreation Center in Maumee, Ohio. On Monday, June 12, at 7:00 pm he will speak at a meeting of the Spencer Township Democratic Club. On Fathers' Day (Sunday, June 18) he'll be at the Holland Strawberry Festival Parade from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.



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  11/07/2006 OH State House 46 Lost 39.46% (-21.08%)
  05/02/2006 OH State House 46- D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)