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   from Chronicler
Screen NameChronicler   
NameN.C. Elections
Location, PA,
BirthdayFebruary 21, 1967
AffiliationWilliam Penn
First LoginJanuary 28, 2004 08:43pm
Last LoginJune 06, 2024 01:14pm
Predictions Points: 84.4516
Predictions: 10/14 (71.43%)
Points Per: 84.4516/14 (6.03)
Emote Messages 33
D:1RP ( 5506.72 points)
November 03, 2023 02:46pm

MFL:9399Juan Croniqueur ( 0.29 points)
September 25, 2023 12:06am
BrentinCO: Aren't Libertarians the people that come from Liberia?

No, those are librarians! :P

Un:9757BrentinCO ( 6338.62 points)
September 24, 2023 07:37pm
Aren't Libertarians the people that come from Liberia?

R:250Mr. Politics ( 190.17 points)
August 09, 2023 11:08pm
Luzerne County Historian: It's amazing that this guy went from Green Party to Republican in 5 years.

I take it you've never heard of this family?

D:6454Mr. Matt ( 1761.47 points)
July 13, 2023 07:51pm
A lot of missing interns

D:6454Mr. Matt ( 1761.47 points)
February 04, 2023 03:05pm
RP: Maybe we should introduce him to Drew Pritt.

Do we know if they're actually not the same person??

BEER:10271WSNJ ( 446.16 points)
January 05, 2023 11:26am
George Santos says he has the votes to be Speaker!

Un:9757BrentinCO ( 6338.62 points)
December 29, 2022 11:43am
WA Indy: I bet he’s not.

Who knows what he really is. Best use of the disputed tag on the site.

N:10739Max Rohtbart ( 1068.31 points)
December 21, 2022 09:07pm
Does this mean we can lie about our bio's. I graduated from High School when I was five and by age six I won my first Nobel prize

R:7114Kyle ( 752.36 points)
November 16, 2022 09:12am
Leaving that Safe R prediction for Baker years ago and never checking on it was not a great decision on my part!

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 3906.04 points)
September 14, 2022 08:14pm
I read this headline and thought, "What's a Canadian NDP member doing in New Jersey"? Nerd moment.

D:6086Jason ( 11889.02 points)
September 12, 2022 09:09pm
Agreed. There really seems to be a dearth of polling in House districts in general this cycle, for that matter.

But I'm sure we'll get yet another PA Senate poll next week.

LBT:10038Luzerne County Historian ( -406.95 points)
September 04, 2022 12:52am
*Two months from now* "And in a surprise twist, Buzz Kelley wins"

Un:9757BrentinCO ( 6338.62 points)
August 18, 2022 10:21am
Old LW: This is the first time I've ever heard a grocery store referred to as a vegetable stand.

Probably why I shouldn't run for US Senate in Pennsylvania either.

R:250Mr. Politics ( 190.17 points)
August 10, 2022 08:30pm
The one election where Roe is definitely on the ballot.

D:6454Mr. Matt ( 1761.47 points)
March 10, 2022 11:08am
He should drive over to the WRAL offices and make a complaint in person.

Oh wait, he shouldn't: [Link]

Un:9757BrentinCO ( 6338.62 points)
March 07, 2022 11:19pm
I don't know about Polis, but I know his husband is gay.

Not likely, but she does have a shot to win the GOP primary. If she comes out of the Caucus with a win, anything can happen. Its happened before.

R:10538Southern_Moderate2 ( 62.93 points)
February 08, 2022 11:12am
Why does @Hikikmori always endorse the most bat **** crazy person in the field?

Un:11182CyberPolitics ( 32.14 points)
August 15, 2021 03:57pm
Afghanistan will have one of the worst humanitarian crisis and hundreds of thousands will die in the next few years. And then the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany, will intervene and kick out Taliban.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.16 points)
August 13, 2021 02:56pm
Guess I'm the only self-identified extrovert on this site.

I:9626Bojicat ( 786.82 points)
August 10, 2021 05:26pm
Thanks, IndyG. These are the names given in the historical record, and by the parties themselves (check the name in the Website link above, for example). The data sometimes presented in the English/American Wikipedia (including their odd preferred use of the British spelling of Center) is very often incorrect or incomplete. In this case, better direction comes from the Finnish version of Wikipedia (fi.wikipedia), Finnish publications and the party websites themselves. Depending on the American/British writers of wikipedia to correctly interpret Finnish politics would be just as (un)reliable as depending on the words of Finnish writers describing American politics and political parties. I don't know about the Helsinki Times, but each party you mention is known in Finland as the names chosen (the National Coalition is now simply called the 'Coalition'. You will also see that in election commission records these days). 'Business Now' is the actual translation of Liike Nyt, and this is the preferred name on their site [Link] even shown as such on the article link heralding the establishment of the party from the English Wikipedia, believe it or not [Link] (not sure how they came up with 'Movement Now').

I always say, Wikipedia is not to be trusted for the most accurate info. Our Campaigns is the BEST source (especially if it comes from its superstar, IndyG).

D:8255My Congressman is a Weiner ( -19.80 points)
August 07, 2021 02:10pm
Chloe the dog: These race will be close or not

Thanks for clearing that up.

D:1RP ( 5506.72 points)
June 14, 2021 01:29pm

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -193.53 points)
February 10, 2021 11:32pm
Who voted Lyndon

D:1RP ( 5506.72 points)
November 06, 2020 05:26am
Someone had a bit of luck.

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