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First LoginJune 12, 2002 11:30pm
Last LoginJune 01, 2024 11:28pm
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D:6454Mr. Matt ( 1761.4666 points)
Sun, September 19, 2021 10:18:02 PM UTC0:00
Perfectly describes our friend:

(only 7 reset emails re:me)

LBR:1802Old LW ( 622.1556 points)
Sun, September 19, 2021 10:41:53 PM UTC0:00
Update since e-mail change. No emails sent. So it seems our dear friend was trying to screw with us. I recommend everyone who has this issue change your OC email and password to something he doesn't know and it should fix this issue.

D:1RP ( 5506.7227 points)
Mon, September 20, 2021 01:53:59 AM UTC0:00
I also disabled the password reset function again.

Un:9757BrentinCO ( 6338.6216 points)
Sat, October 2, 2021 03:02:32 AM UTC0:00
Hi RP.

Cyber Politics is trying to login and is having problems. He is certain he is typing in the correct credentials he last used. Is the password reset back on? Should i tell him to try that?

Thanks. Brent.

D:1RP ( 5506.7227 points)
Sat, October 2, 2021 04:40:40 AM UTC0:00
No, every time I re-enable the password reset the idiot keeps using it to spam people.

D:8509DylanSH99 ( 1716.1335 points)
Tue, November 9, 2021 12:19:49 AM UTC0:00
Hey Randy, just wanted to let you know I was logged out of my account. Glad the password reset was still installed. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case others have the same issue.

D:10938LEAPForward ( 132.9538 points)
Thu, November 11, 2021 08:34:19 PM UTC0:00
Hi Randy, my name is Charles Yeganian, and I run www.leap-forward.org. Unlikely that you're familiar, but I use your site quite a bit, and thank you for doing this work.

There are quite a few areas in which our work overlaps, and I'd love to be able to help add some of the data I find to OurCampaigns. I know the general rule is that to get access to include my endorsements / news / quotes to OC, it requires some participation in the forums and the like. Since I work a great deal with candidates, I try not to pontificate TOO much online as to keep my opinions and theirs separate, so I'm just writing to see what would constitute engagements that would allow me to add to your database without putting myself TOO much out there.

Thanks again. Hope I can help.


D:1RP ( 5506.7227 points)
Thu, November 11, 2021 10:17:49 PM UTC0:00
Hi LEAPForward - we accept a wide variety of things as "substantive discussion". It can pontification or punditry or just data or observations we may be missing. We're just looking for the ability to contribute substantially to the purpose of the site and not use it as a destructive playground or propaganda site - there are plenty of those out there.

D:1RP ( 5506.7227 points)
Fri, November 12, 2021 06:28:35 PM UTC0:00
LEAPForward: Understood. And this should be done in the messages section of individual pages, or specifically in chat?

Messages section of individual pages.

D:10938LEAPForward ( 132.9538 points)
Fri, November 12, 2021 07:01:08 PM UTC0:00
Thanks man, appreciate it.

D:10938LEAPForward ( 132.9538 points)
Fri, November 12, 2021 10:28:25 PM UTC0:00
One more question. Searched the FAQ and the Glossery, but couldn't find it - could you explain the "Cart" for me?

D:1RP ( 5506.7227 points)
Fri, November 12, 2021 11:39:57 PM UTC0:00
The cart is mostly for moving things around right now, which is a higher level of access. There are some planned functions for regular users that will happen in the future.

D:10938LEAPForward ( 132.9538 points)
Sun, November 14, 2021 05:40:01 PM UTC0:00
Quick style question for you. Do you prefer news about a candidate be put on that candidate's page or on the race page or both. I assume it's dependent on whether it's news specifically about the individual or a "state of the race" piece, but thought I'd ask.

D:10938LEAPForward ( 132.9538 points)
Sun, November 14, 2021 11:40:00 PM UTC0:00
Understood. Along those lines, one of my main functions at LF is a legislative scorecard, grading sitting lawmakers based on voting records. Is there an input for that on candidate pages, or is it strictly interest group endorsements you're capturing?

S:10358Charlotte K-A ( 29.7972 points)
Mon, November 15, 2021 01:43:48 AM UTC0:00
Correct me if I'm wrong @RP, but I've assumed it's just endorsements from candidates, officeholders, political organizations, etc. I've seen scorecards put in the Bio of a given candidate.

D:1RP ( 5506.7227 points)
Mon, November 15, 2021 03:03:37 AM UTC0:00
LEAPForward: Understood. Along those lines, one of my main functions at LF is a legislative scorecard, grading sitting lawmakers based on voting records. Is there an input for that on candidate pages, or is it strictly interest group endorsements you're capturing?

A not very well known feature of the site is to be able to add additional meta information to Candidates.

When editing a Candidate profile, there is an almost hidden link next to the Race label (black on navy blue) that says [+meta]. Clicking on that will add a line with a dropdown with the other meta info that has been added as well as a *New option to add your own.

D:1RP ( 5506.7227 points)
Mon, November 15, 2021 03:05:51 AM UTC0:00
Although that might not be ideal if we want to track them over time for a candidate.

D:10938LEAPForward ( 132.9538 points)
Mon, November 15, 2021 03:26:35 AM UTC0:00
I see that. What I generate for each lawmaker is a page like this


so it could even just be a link under News, perhaps. At any rate, I publish them yearly, so none of them will be official until the end of the calendar year, so there's time to consider.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -193.5252 points)
Wed, May 18, 2022 06:10:25 AM UTC0:00
MarylandRepublican cant get the password reset to work.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -193.5252 points)
Thu, May 19, 2022 02:20:16 AM UTC0:00
E Pluribus Unum: MarylandRepublican cant get the password reset to work.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.4516 points)
Thu, May 19, 2022 11:53:37 AM UTC0:00
Also Andy Romagnano is still having the same problem.

D:8509DylanSH99 ( 1716.1335 points)
Sat, August 6, 2022 05:12:41 PM UTC0:00
Hey RP,

Got a message from Crimson 8409 saying he cannot get into his account and is wondering how he can get back into his account. He said he tried to create a new account using another email and that he never got an email with his temporary password to login and checked all his settings and doesn't know what to do.

Un:9757BrentinCO ( 6338.6216 points)
Thu, August 11, 2022 06:55:27 AM UTC0:00
Happy Birthday RP. Thank you for all you do! Hope you have a special day.

I:8766Pennsylvanian ( 404.1051 points)
Thu, August 11, 2022 01:19:04 PM UTC0:00
Happy Birthday -- enjoy.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 3906.0425 points)
Thu, August 11, 2022 02:15:52 PM UTC0:00
Happy Birthday, Dear Leader! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

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Is In
City Glen Ellyn
County DuPage
House of Representatives IL - District 06
State Senate IL State Senate 21
Country United States
MI District 13 - D Primary - Aug 06, 2024 D Adam Hollier
Crappy Politician of the Year - Jan 01, 2023 CON Elizabeth "Liz" Truss
AR District 04 - Nov 08, 2022 R Bruce Westerman
Crappy Politician of the Year - Jan 03, 2021 D Michael R. "Mike" Bloomberg
MN District 05 - D Primary - Aug 11, 2020 D Ilhan Omar
NY District 14 - D Primary - Jun 23, 2020 D Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
NY District 16 - D Primary - Jun 23, 2020 D Jamaal Bowman
US President - D Primaries - Aug 11, 2020 D Beto O'Rourke
VA State Senate 16 - Nov 05, 2019 I Waylin Ross
CA State Assembly 53 - Nov 06, 2018 D Kevin H. Jang
IL District 03 - D Primary - Mar 20, 2018 D Marie Newman
Outstanding Politician of the Year - Jan 03, 2018 LREM Emmanuel Macron
VEN National Assembly - Dec 06, 2015 MUD Democratic Unity Roundtable
CA Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes for Education - Nov 06, 2012 YES Yes
CA Proposition 32: Prohibit Political Contributions from Payroll Deduction - Nov 06, 2012 NO No
CA Proposition 33: Auto Insurance Companies - Nov 06, 2012 NO No
CA Proposition 34: End the Death Penalty - Nov 06, 2012 YES Yes
CA Proposition 36: Three Strikes Law - Nov 06, 2012 YES Yes
CA Proposition 38: Tax for Education & Early Childhood - Nov 06, 2012 NO No
CA Proposition 39: Tax Treatment for Multistate Businesses - Nov 06, 2012 YES Yes



CO District 08 - R Primary Gabe Evans Safe
NY District 26 - Special Election X Timothy M. Kennedy Slight
US Senate Control Republican Party Control Slight
GA US President Donald J. Trump Slight
NH US President Joe Biden Slight
OH US Senate Bernie Moreno Slight
OH District 01 Greg Landsman Slight
ME US President Joe Biden Slight
PA US President Joe Biden Slight
MI US President Donald J. Trump Slight
WI US President Joe Biden Slight
AZ US President Donald J. Trump Slight
MN US President Joe Biden Slight
CO District 03 Republican Primary Winner Slight
NE US President - CD 2 Joe Biden Slight
MT US Senate Republican Primary Winner Slight
NV US President Donald J. Trump Slight
VA US President Joe Biden Lean
NC US President Donald J. Trump Lean
ME US President - CD 2 Republican Primary Winner Lean
MI US Senate Democratic Primary Winner Lean