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  GOP's Steve Poizner has $17.5 million war chest
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedJason  Jan 06, 2010 05:01am
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AuthorCarla Marinucci
MediaNewspaper - San Francisco Chronicle
News DateWednesday, January 6, 2010 11:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionRepublican state Insurance Commissioner and gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner heads into the 2010 election year with $17.5 million in cash on hand and has raised $1.2 million in the campaign reporting period that ended Dec. 31, the campaign said Monday.
Poizner, who donated $15 million to his campaign last month, is the first candidate for governor to release details of his campaign finance data for the end of 2009.

But a source in the campaign of rival Republican Meg Whitman said the former eBay CEO raised $3.5 million in the last period, putting her total at more than $10 million for last year. In addition, Whitman has given $19 million to her campaign.

Other candidates in the race include former Rep. Tom Campbell, a Republican, and Democrat Jerry Brown, the state's attorney general.
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