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  Cat's demise prompts rumours of [Margaret] Thatcher death
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Last EditedMonsieur  Nov 11, 2009 10:20pm
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AuthorThe Canadian Press
News DateThursday, November 12, 2009 04:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionOTTAWA — A brief message about a felled feline really caused the fur to fly this week, prompting erroneous rumours about the demise of no less than Margaret Thatcher.

The brouhaha at a gala Toronto tribute to Canada's military is a cautionary tale about how modern instant messaging and good old-fashioned gossip can combine to shake things up at even the highest levels.

Some 1,700 luminaries, including Prime Minister Stephen Harper, were in the middle of dinner Tuesday night when smart phones throughout the room began to buzz with the news: "Lady Thatcher has passed away."

Dinner chatter abruptly veered to expressions of shock and reminiscences of Margaret Thatcher, the 84-year-old former British prime minister, as news of her apparent passing spread like wildfire.

Turns out it was Transport Minister John Baird's beloved 16-year-old cat -- whom he'd named Thatcher out of admiration for one of his political heroes -- who had ceased to be.
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