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  The LP as "The Party of Principle" is DEAD
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Last EditedRBH  May 27, 2008 07:53pm
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News DateWednesday, May 28, 2008 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionI have given several interviews (television, radio, internet, and to print journalists explaining my thoughts about Barr receiving the LP nomination-with every reporter asking why I cannot support the Barr/Root ticket.) It is obvious: I cannot support someone for the LP presidential nominee who is former CIA, a federal prosecutor responsible for incarcerating people for laws we as libertarians oppose, a supporter of the Patriot Act, voted for the unjust invasion of Iraq, author of The Defense of Marriage Act, supports foreign aid, one whose stances are un-libertarian to the core - on immigration-gay equality-the drug war (research what he wants to do currently in Columbia and in Latin America in general--this is not a libertarian who wants to end the drug war--this is not a non-interventionist candidate). He would have much to prove, over time, before a libertarian such as myself would trust him enough to support him to hold any LP office. I cannot support Root for the LP VP as he is someone who endorsed John McCain, defines marriage as only between a man and woman, supports foreign aid, and believes war with Iran would be the right war. Now saying a few of the "right words" suddenly does not, for me, make either one a libertarian. As I told CSPAN during an interview after my initial remarks, I think Barr is a wolf in sheep's clothing (and I view Root as a counterfeit libertarian). However, to clarify, I do not think he nor Barr has deceived Libertarians so much as Libertarians know exactly what these men are - but they just do not care.

The libertarian principles which made this this the party for me have been abandoned. The party has become an end in itself, but I believe the cause of liberty trumps any party. Barr's campaign will certainly attract more interventionists, more anti-immigration and more anti-freedom conservatives like himself to the LP, so the delegates may get their growth (and perhaps increased vote counts in November) they so eagerly seek, bu
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