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  Kanjorski says he’s sorry if remarks appeared to offend
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Last EditedScott³  Mar 03, 2008 08:11am
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MediaNewspaper - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader
News DateSaturday, March 1, 2008 02:10:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWilkes-Barre Times-Leader article.

An excerpt...
"U.S. Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, D-Nanticoke, sent a letter to political opponent Lou Barletta on Friday and said he meant no offense to his Republican challenger and is sorry if it appeared that way.

Kanjorski wrote: “Over the next eight months, we will be talking to the press and to the people of Northeastern Pennsylvania about issues that we passionately care about. Inevitably, there will be occasions in which we misspeak or our words are misconstrued.

“One such occasion occurred this week when I spoke to a reporter for the Politico. I did not say you were a racist and did not mean to imply it.”

Kanjorski said he shares Barletta’s concerns about the need for immigration reform, saying he has worked for it and continues to work for it.

“It is an important issue for our country,” Kanjorski wrote. “If people want to be American citizens, they must play by the rules.”

In the story that appeared in the Washington-based Politico, Kanjorski was quoted as saying, “What David Duke was to civil rights, my opponent has done that with immigration. He’s used that issue the same way Duke used the civil rights issue.”

Barletta issued a response to the remark and demanded an apology from Kanjorski. Barletta, who was elected to his third term as mayor of Hazleton in November, has risen to national fame on his stance against illegal immigration.

Kanjorski and Barletta are unopposed in the Democratic and Republican primary elections, respectively, and are headed for a November showdown. In 2002, Kanjorski defeated Barletta by 22,000 votes."
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