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  Write-in candidate declares victory Barr says he has enough votes to challenge Shuster
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Last EditedScott³  May 27, 2006 04:05am
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News DateThursday, May 25, 2006 10:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionSomerset County Daily American article.

An excerpt...
"Bedford County teacher Tony Barr announced Wednesday that he received enough votes in last week's primary to win the Democrat nomination for the 9th Congressional District.

Barr needed 1,000 votes to get his name on the November ballot, and he said an unofficial tally of six counties in the 9th Congressional District shows he has 1,776 votes. The Somerset County computational board has not yet finished counting votes.

Write-in results won't be official until June 5, a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Secretary of State said. If the state certifies Barr's eligibility to run in the general election, it means Rep. Bill Shuster will be contested in his bid for re-election.

Jack Hendricks, Barr's communications volunteer, described the 9th Congressional District as “heavily Republican,” but Barr said he isn't intimidated.

“I'm a wrestler,” Barr said. “I was a wrestler and I coached wrestling and have a bit of a wrestling mentality. I really don't care who you are or what your record is when I'm on the mat. So no, I'm not intimidated by it.”

Shuster's office didn't have much to say about Barr.

“The Congressman takes any candidate seriously, but to tell you the truth we haven't heard much about Tony Barr,” said Shuster spokesman Tory Mazzola.

Barr is a special education teacher in Everett. He and his wife, Liz, have two children, Silas, 4, and Zeke, 2. He made the decision to run a write-in campaign only 16 days before the primary."
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