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  [AR St. Sen.] Holt’s Rove words start fire
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Last EditedDFWDem  Jul 15, 2005 10:15am
News DateJul 15, 2005 10:00am
DescriptionFellow Republicans jumped on state Sen. Jim Holt of Springdale on Thursday for saying that presidential adviser Karl Rove should resign if he leaked information regarding a former CIA agent.

Holt, who is running for his party’s nomination for lieutenant governor, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Rove should resign if he illegally leaked the name of CIA officer Valerie Plame.

"When somebody would blow your cover for the sake of politics, it jeopardizes that person’s life and it jeopardizes security," Holt said in interview with AP. "I think President Bush should keep his word when he said whoever did it should step down."

A political opponent and Arkansas GOP leaders, including Gov. Mike Huckabee, rebuked Holt for those comments.

Huckabee called Rove a friend and, referring to top national Democrats, said Holt is "reading from Howard Dean and John Kerry’s talking points in demanding that his president fire someone first and then find out the facts later."

He said it’s simply bizarre that Holt would "join the most partisan Democrat yap dogs" in Washington in calling for Bush to sacrifice a trusted adviser.
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