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  Delaware lawmakers want convicted auditor removed from office. The main question is how
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AuthorCris Barrish
News DateThursday, July 7, 2022 09:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe elected elite in Delaware government — the governor and leaders of both chambers of the General Assembly — agree wholeheartedly on one matter.
Fellow Democrat Kathy McGuiness must go.
That the first-term state auditor must either resign or be removed from office has been the resounding consensus since a Kent County jury found McGuiness guilty of three misdemeanors: official misconduct, conflict of interest, and structuring a contract to avoid a procurement policy.
After a two-week trial, jurors agreed with prosecutors that McGuiness broke state laws in hiring her college-age daughter for a part-time job, and awarding a contract to a consultant who worked on her campaign. McGuiness was acquitted of two felonies: theft and intimidating potential witnesses.
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