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  What the Ohio rape case tells us about post-Roe abortion politics
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Last EditedRP  Jul 14, 2022 09:43am
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AuthorPhilip Bump
News DateThursday, July 14, 2022 03:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionNo one wanted the story of a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio to be true. How could they? It’s grim and disconcerting in the way that only such crimes can be.

For opponents of abortion, the lack of details about the case and the seeming convenience of it were reasons to dismiss it. After all, here was an example of the sort of extreme situation in which most Americans would say abortion needs to be available, just as concerns about the availability of the procedure to address such situations was coming into question. So a number of conservative politicians expressed skepticism about the story — or went further, declaring it fake news.

It was not. But the story highlighted two alarming patterns in the new, post-Roe v. Wade world of abortion politics. The first is a continued effort to downplay the need for legal abortion. The second is that the political utility in expressing opposition to abortion hasn’t evaporated; instead, the utility has simply shifted further to the right.
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