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  Hollywood bids a fond farewell to Hugo Chavez
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Mar 06, 2013 11:15am
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News DateWednesday, March 6, 2013 05:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionAs the legacy of Hugo Chavez gets debated in the wake of his passing, filmmakers Michael Moore and Oliver Stone took to Twitter to praise the late Venezuelan president.

“You won’t hear much nice about him in the US media in the next few days. So, I thought I’d say a couple things to provide some balance” wrote Moore.

“Hugo Chavez declared the oil belonged 2 the ppl. He used the oil $ 2 eliminate 75% of extreme poverty, provide free health & education 4 all.” “That made him dangerous. US approved of a coup to overthrow him even though he was a democratically-elected President.” “54 countries around the world allowed the US to detain(& torture) suspects. Latin America, thanks 2 Chavez, was the only place that said no.”
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