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  Former Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher Dies in Houston
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Last EditedDFWDem  Jan 24, 2010 11:47am
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AuthorEdwin Chen
News DateSunday, January 24, 2010 05:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionJan. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Former Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher died in Houston of pancreatic cancer this morning. Former President George H.W. Bush issued a statement expressing “a profound sense of personal grief” and calling Mosbacher “one of the most effective commerce secretaries in our nation’s history.”

“Bob Mosbacher was an honorable and a first-rate businessman and perhaps the shrewdest dealmaker I ever knew,” Bush said in an e-mailed statement. Bush also said Mosbacher was “the very best” at political fundraising.
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