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  "Stand For Our Veterans, Stand For The Anthem" Radio Ad
Race08/02/2018 - TN US Senate - R Primary
Run Date(s)2018-01-25
Run Time00:01:00
CategoryRadio Ad
Ad ToneFeel Good
For CandidateMarsha Blackburn
Last EditedRP  Jan 26, 2018 11:04am
Logged 1 [Older]
DescriptionVeterans. They stood up and fought against tyranny and terror. They fought for the freedom that we enjoy every single day. The least we can do is stand for them during our national anthem. I’m Marsha Blackburn. I stand for our veterans, the president and the Star-Spangled Banner. Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee Conservative. You have freedom of speech, you have right of peaceful protest, but during that three minutes, that belongs to the people who have fought to defend the freedoms that we have. And in our country, we stand when the National Anthem is played. We salute. Marsha Blackburn, standing with our veterans. I’m Marsha Blackburn. I stand for our veterans, the president and the Star-Spangled Banner.
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