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  Alejandro Toledo: Peru ex-president to be extradited from US
Parent(s) Candidate  -
ContributorJuan Croniqueur 
Last EditedJuan Croniqueur  Apr 24, 2023 03:39pm
News DateApr 22, 2023 03:00pm
DescriptionMr Toledo, 77, is accused of taking $20m (£15m) in bribes from a Brazilian construction company while in office between 2001 and 2006.

He fled Peru to live in the US several years ago but was arrested by US authorities on Peru's request.

He has denied soliciting or receiving bribes.

Peruvian authorities alleged that Mr Toledo received millions of dollars from the Brazilian construction company, Odebrecht, in return for awarding public works contracts.

They provided the US with an extradition request in May 2018. Prosecutors are seeking a 20-year prison sentence.

Mr Toledo was first arrested in California in 2019. He was then granted bail in 2020 and ordered to live under house arrest with an electronic ankle monitor.
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