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  Blanco sets election dates for Jindal's House seat
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedScottĀ³  Nov 18, 2007 09:31am
News DateNov 13, 2007 09:30am
DescriptionNew Orleans Times-Picayune article.

An excerpt...
"The special election to fill the 1st Congressional District seat, which will be vacated by Bobby Jindal when he becomes governor in January, will begin March 8 with a party primary, according to a proclamation made Tuesday by Gov. Kathleen Blanco.

A second party primary is scheduled for April 5 and a general election for May 3. All the election dates are Saturdays. Candidates will qualify for the office Jan. 29-31.

If candidates win outright for in the first party primaries for each major party, no special second party primary will be necessary and then the general election would be held April 5.

The 1st District covers parts of Jefferson, Orleans and St. Charles parishes and all of St. Tammany, Tangipahoa and Washington parishes."
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